German and French

German (A1)                                                   

Book: Zoom Deutsch 1 (oxford University Press)                                        

Year 1 Lesson Plan       Teacher: Electra Demetriou                                   periods: 2 per week (40min. each) 


Unit                                Objectives                                              Grammar                                                          Skills and pronunciation                                  




  1. Hallo 






    Introducing yourself 

  • Greetings 
  • Learn the German alphabet 
  • Say your name and spell it 
  • Numbers 1-31 
  • Say how old you are 
  • Learn the months 
  • Countries and languages 
The german Alphabet 

Gender and the indefinite article (ein/eine) 

Three main questions: 

1.what is your name 

2. where do you live 

3. where do you come from 

(ich and du form) 

4. when is your  birthday 

Compare german and English words 

Language rules/meaning 

Pronunciation rules/ umlauts ä- ö-ü 

Pronunciation of ei,v,sch 

Letter combinations 

Number rules 

Months and dates 








1A. Meine  Familie 


Page. 24 









  • Learn family members 
  • Talk about brothers and sisters 
  • Learn pets and colours 
  • Learn zoo animals 
  • Describing yourself,friends and family 





Gender /definite article: der, die, das 

Possessive adjectives: mein(e), dein(e)/ my,your 

Ich habe+ Akkusativ einen/keinen 

Personal pronouns: er, sie, es 

Verbs: haben and sein 

Noun plurals 

Language patterns (das ist mein Vater…) 

New words thier meaning and plurals 

Describing pets and their colour 

Adjectives (positive/negative ones) 








1B. Meine Schule 


Page. 40 





  • learn classroom objects and persons (teacher) 
  • learn school equipment 
  • learn school subjects 
  • adjectives /giving opinions about subjects 
  • tell the time  
  • learn days of the week 
  • talk about your timetable 
 the definite article:der,die,das 

Guestion words: Wer,Was,Wie 

Use of adjectives in the sentence 

The verb: haben 

Word order (verb second position) 

Use of preposition: um 


Use of question words 

Use of adjectives and their meaning 

Structure of word order in sentences 

Telling the time 

Using new words (morgensmittags,…) 









2A. Freizeit und Hobbys 







      Free time and Hobbies 

  • learn sports and instruments 
  • conjugating verbs 
  • use gernlieber-am liebsten 
  • favorite hobbies 
  • opinions of computer games 
  • say how often you do something 
Conjugating regular and some irregular verbs in present tense 

Comparative form of gern 

Denn (because) 

Time expressions 

Word order with time expresseions 

Listen for intonation 

Meaning of new words and expressions by using previously learned language 

Pronunciation of words which are similar in English and German. 







2B. Wo wohnst du? 


Page. 72 






  • say where you live 
  • learn to tell the weather 
  • describe your house 
  • describe the rooms in your house 
  • furniture in your room 
Adjectives to describe the weather 

Adjectives describing where you live 

Use es gibtAkkusativ (there is…) 

Prepositions describing where things are: in, auf, unter 

Pronunciation of the ch sound 

Building new sentences by adapting language you know 










Chapter 1 : Bonjour 

1.greet someone and say goodbye about name and age 

3.ask how someone is; say how you are about school and classroom items 

5.the gender of nouns of Indefinite Articles – masculine and feminine (un, une) 

6.numbers up to 20 

7.the use of ‘’il y a’’ (there is / there are) 

8.simple classroom instructions 


            Page 6 


            Pages 6 – 7 

            Page 7 


            Pages 8  9 


            Pages 8 – 9 



            Page 8 

            Page 8 


            Pages 10 – 11 








    12 periods 

Chapter 2 : J’habite ici 

1.say where you live 

2.days of the week 

3.numbers up to 30 

4.use the French alphabet 


            Pages 12 – 14 

            Page 16 

            Page 17 

            Page 17 



     5 periods 

Chapter 3 : Chez moi about family 

2.the verb avoir (to have) 

3.the Definite Articles –  masculine and feminine (le, la, l’, les) 

4.use of Possessive Adjectives (mon, ma, mes, ton, ta, tes) about home 

6.the verb être (to be) + nationalities 

7.use prepositions of place (dans=in, sur=on, sous=under) 

8.numbers up to 70 



            Page 18 

            Page 19 

            Page 19 



            Pages 18 – 20 


            Page 23 

            Pages 22  23 


            Pages 24 – 25 


            Page 26 









   11 periods 










Chapter 4 : Les animaux about animals 

2.the colours (the agreement of the adjectives and the nouns) 

3.useful ways of expressing your opinion 


            Pages 30 – 33 

            Pages 30 – 33  


            Page 36 




     4 periods 

Chapter 5 : Des fêtes 

1.the months (know how to say when is your birthday) 

2.presents and prices 

3.numbers up to 100 

4.the clothes 

5.the plural 

6.describe yourself and other people 


            Page 44 


            Page 50 

            Page 51 

            Pages 52 – 53 

            Page 53 

            Pages 54 – 55 





     6 periods 

Chapter 6 : Qu’est-ce que tu fais ? about the weather about sport 

3.the regular verbs in French 

4.say what you do at weekends 



            Pages 60, 62 

            Page 64  

            Pages 64 – 69 

            Page 72 




     9 periods 

Chapter 7 : En ville 

1.the verb aller (to go) about places in a town 

3.use à / au / à la / à l’ / aux (to, at) 


            Pages 82,86,87 

            Page 82  

            Page 82 



     5 periods 



Plus : 1 test and 2 quizzes per term